Thursday, June 30, 2011

My First Wedding!!

I cannot lie, Weddings have always scared me.  What if they didn't like the pictures!  You cannot re-create that day for them...  So when I was asked to take these my first instinct was to say no.  But my sweet husband helped me see that it could be fun and you know what?  He was right and it was fun!!  I was lucky to have such a sweet bride and groom to work with and thankfully the weather held off just long enough for us to get our pictures done, then it poured right after!  Thank you so much for the wonderful experience you guys!!


  1. Fantastic! Such great pictures! Can't wait to see them all! Thanks again for taking them!

  2. These are amazing Naoma!!! Great job! I loved looking at them... And what a cute couple. :)

  3. Really, they look like a true professional took them! Oh right, YOU are a professional! You truly have an amazing eye for the moment!

  4. I Loved them!!! You did a wonderful job, and I thought your style of wedding picture taking was original and beautiful...thank you so much for saying yes to Julia. I am truly amazed and am very grateful for you saying yes at such short notice!!!



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