Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Fausett's

 Since I am an on location photographer and it has been wintertime, I haven't been taking many pictures in the last few weeks.  So when our good friends wanted their pictures done I was super excited!  I was itching to get out and practice and they are such an amazing and fun family.   Every once in awhile I wonder if I am good enough to really pursue being a professional photographer...  But then I get out and take some photos and remember how much I love it! Which means that I am willing to do what it takes to get better and make it happen!  When you find something you love and are passionate about you just gotta make it work.  I realize that we all feel inadequate but as long as we are moving forward and learning then it is all good!. right?!


 My sister gave me this antique polaroid camera for christmas!  Isn't it awesome!!  It doesn't work but it is an awesome prop! 


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