Monday, May 7, 2012


 My sister works at Persnickety, and for those that haven't heard of it they have the most beautiful clothing for little girls!  So anyways they got in these brand new shorts or "shorties" as they call them.  Luckily for me they needed some pictures of them and I was available!  The location, the girls and the clothing were all amazing and I had a great time working withe them!


  1. I want to post a link of this blog into our facebook page, but i am unsure how to?? Thanks for any help :) :)

  2. Did copy and pasting the address not work? If that doesn't work am not sure what else to try? I am glad that you like these pictures of these adorable little girls!

  3. So Cute Naoma! Where are all these fun places your taking pics?



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